Our service for you.

We saw that in today’s fast-paced life, humans simply do not have time. How many beautiful clothes you have in your wardrobe for your maintenance. You don’t have time to go to a tailor master and get your clothes stitched, no problem. You can’t come to us. No problem. We can come to you. That means our shop has come to your doorstep. We and our team will stitch the clothes kept in your wardrobe and deliver them to you so that you always look handsome as a gentleman.

Pick up

What do you have to do so that you can take advantage of this facility of ours? You have to take out your mobile and go to the website (tailor7.com). There you will get an appointment form. It has to be filled up and delivered to us. enough. This is where our work begins. You keep doing your work. Leave the rest to us. Who will make you a gentleman and stitch your clothes and deliver them to your doorstep?

As soon as your appointment forum is updated on our system, we talk to you over phone and visit your home, so what are you waiting for. Take out your mobile and get stitched by order. The clothes sitting at home which are kept in your cupboard.


Once your dress arrives at our experienced tailors, work begins on the piece. Great material, beautiful stitching, original hook. Preparation with Original Zip, Steampress, etc. adds to the beauty of your clothes. By going through all these programs, your clothes are designed by our experienced designers so that you do not get any chance to complain about anything.


When your dress is completed by cutting, stitching, pressing etc. and our master checks the measurements and gives OK, then your clothes are packed and delivered to your home so that your clothes can be delivered on time. .

Hi, my name is  tai if you want to see the price list of my shop, then shake your thumb with my hand and let’s go.

We have brought this facility for you. To take advantage of this facility of ours, click the button given below.

There is no latest offer right now, soon we will bring the latest offer for you, you can get pants, shirt, kurta, pajama coat, paint basket stitched from us.

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